
The iconic shape and smell of the rose characterize love and passion. In every culture around the globe, the Rose is an immortal symbol of affection. In ancient Greek mythology, the Rose was made from the tears of Aphrodite, the goddess of love. According to Roman mythology, red roses were created by venus, their goddess of love. In Asia, Persians and Indian history also represent the Rose as the symbol of love and purity.


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Baby Hamper - Baby's Comfort

Childbirth is a magical experience that brings immense joy and fulfilment to the family. It makes us wonder at the amazing things women are capable of: creating life! But with all this joy and happiness comes a wave of responsibilities. Princeโ€™sย baby gift hampersย are guaranteed to come in handy at this hour of need. Whether it is your wife or a co-worker, our specially curated gift sets will put a smile on the new motherโ€™s face.

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For millennia we humans have looked at flowers and awed at their beauty. These wondrous creations of nature have encapsulated our emotions and made them immortal. Spring comes, and our souls fill with joy when we look at the fields blooming. To quote Stephanie Skeem, โ€œflowers donโ€™t tell; they show.โ€ Your special someone will feel loved and appreciated when you bestow upon them your token of love, a bouquet of flowers!


Do you feel like buying flowers is too complicated,

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